Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Friday, August 17, 2012

theWickedWitch Is... Still With Us

Helen Gurley Brown is dead.

And within the same week, news from Harvard that human DNA is the most useful, stable and efficient data storage cabinet??

I link these two events because Mrs. Brown and her ilk - - and there are untold millions of them since she started preaching to unfortunate women aROUND the wORLD that sex is best used as a recreational fun-toy - - they would have my tiny zygote bones relegated to the Trash Heap in order to preserve the sacred safe and legal right to...

{an abortion / kill one's offspring} <-- you fill in the blank

... whenever a female regrets her inevitable pregnancies. And, almost as dire, her minions dwell in unkempt homes with drips and spills and dirty everything, because feminism has banished the art of housekeeping and the old wonders of Home Economics Once Upon A Time taught in every public school in North America.

But NOW my tiny zygote bones are famous. I am officially declared, by the Hallowed Harvard scions of intellectual superiority, to be comprised of the tiniest, timeless, artful, fantasmagorical pixie dust they now call DNA DATA STORAGE, and I am now PROVEN to be everything Bernard Nathanson and Lennart Nilsson said I was.

And when I am grown up, I plan to get really good at housekeeping, and keeping my counters wiped off at least hourly.

I am the new gold standard.

<object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/cjNo_0cW-ek?version=3&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/cjNo_0cW-ek?version=3&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
SILENT SCREAM EMBED from youtube.com
My embeds usually fail... I wonder why?

Embryologists, geneticists,  and intellectually honest medical practitioners will tell you that my zygote self contains EVERY PIECE OF GENETIC INFORMATION that my adult human form will ever possess.  I am completely like YOU, just smaller; a complete adult is mysteriously, fully encoded within my zygote self, jam-packed with EVERYTHING NEEDED to live, to grow,

to mature and to thrive...

...It is ONLY because I am hidden and easily overpowered that the abortion lobby can have its way with me,

and Harvard geneticists can 'dis' me.

And Helen Gurley Brown can dismiss my bulgy eyes. Shallow people hate my bulgy eyes.

Exhibit X: German Actress DIANE KRUGER cites

"worthless piece of paper,"  JULY 14, 2012, Wall Street Journal

That's why we won't wait for Cosmo to ring out the glorious news from Harvard. Helen Gurley Brown was a not my friend.

Via her "International Edition," the wicked witch of the west has watched her shallow little rag infect the minds of the fools worldwide. It is unsafe to be a zygote ANYWHERE.

Collateral damage? the Marriage Covenant.  This sacred social contract is now considered nothing more than a worthless piece of paper everywhere you go.  Thanks a lot, Ms. Brown.  I don't know why she wasn't tried for treason before she died.

Thanks to her and hers, our mortal enemies in far away places DESPISE US.

Because of you, Mrs. Brown,  I am in double jeopardy.  If I do happen to escape the womb alive, the chance my parent's will divorce is astronomically high. Mrs. Brown's feminism has thrown acid on the face of the Married State (nevermind that she called her own husband "King"), condemning single women to life below the poverty line as they drift from man to man.  All Mrs. Brown could think to do about that was make sure we're never born,  and then mythologize the origins of poverty:

she PRETENDs pennilessness comes from a male dominated workplace, and charges women everywhere to take over as captains of the corporate world.


Thank you, Mrs. Brown. For NOTHING.

For every female corporate captain pacing her deck, silicon implanted chest Up & Out, V.S. girdle erotically tucked in,

there's a family who's children are raised by poorly paid hired help, enduring really sticky kitchen counters.

OH, My DEAR rich, foolish, cursed Mrs. Brown.
I pray your sudden transportation into the Thereafter has not been as shocking for you as it is for the 4,000 of us who are ushered out every single day in America by the

"safe and legal" knife of the rabid abortionist.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Amy Goldman Hates Me

Zygotes can hear everything people say, even when those people think no one is listening.  They forget that the bellybutton makes a handy ear trumpet. So, I'm privy to all this talk between people in Celebrate Recovery, touting the blessings of brokenness and the trials of transparency. I've learned enough to know that, when rich and powerful gardening women like Amy Goldman pour their millions over Planned Parenthood and then go on record saying they hate me, I'm OK with that. I can honestly say,

I forgive you.  You'll come around some other time.

But meanwhile, I hope she won't take offense that the gardeners around here have never heard of her. And they really DO do gardens around here.

Humble gardening.

They pour their "millions" over non-profits she's probably never heard of. But Planned Parenthood? OH my. Margaret Sanger really could've used her own CR sponsor.

Ms. Sager called me a weed once.  I'm afraid I like her far less than that Billy Graham chap.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Billy G.

Before I became a zygote, I was a church volunteer. As such, I thought I'd just gayly crusade against abortion and simply watch the enemies of the unborn fall at my feet, impressed by my good looks and stellar volunteer qualities.


I well remember the day when, already weary in my battlefighting "want-to," I read that Billy Graham "won't touch" controversy at his crusades.  He felt that too many post abortive women would wince if he brought up the "A" word; that meddling in their decision to kill their unborn child would send them spiraling. That they would not respond to "the gospel" in a state of spiral.

Billy was wrong.  He probably thot the source of his reasoning was that phantom Spirit who tells people (me excepted) how to do stuff w/o blowing it; but I think it was really that BoogieMan Fear celebrities have (and pastors who think they are celebrities have); that fear of being not liked. That fear of risking criticism and losing the approval of your adoring fans.

I remember well my reaction to this news: spewing venom so vile that I cursed the name of Billy Graham in the presence of some churchy person who looked slightly shocked that anyone would question the Pope of protestants.

I was wrong, too.  I had not got it in my head yet that, even tho Popes are fallible, you don't trash people w/o risk to your own soul.  I'm sorry, Mr. Graham, sir.

Well, he's finally got it right:

"In a new prayer letter, Rev. Graham quotes his late wife Ruth as saying, 'If God doesn’t punish America, He’ll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.' 

In the years since Ruth made that remark... 'Millions of babies have been aborted and our nation seems largely unconcerned. 

Self-centered indulgence, pride and a lack of shame over sin are now emblems of the American lifestyle...' ”


“The farther we get from God, the more the world spirals out of control...”

“...a terrible downward spiral of our nation’s moral standards and the idolatry of worshipping false gods such as technology and sex.”

Well, Billy. What did you expect? In a fallen world, 
"spiral" is just another setting on the Normal Dial. Spirals
are what make us human. Once we figure out that the only
sane Anti-Spiral is humility before God, people get healthy.
Then, healthy communities can finally take root. It takes
a spiral to make a village.
So, hopefully now he's learned: In these United States, successful
crusaders have to "call a spade a spade," or
NO ONE will know what you're talking about.
(Probl'y because seventy years of television 
addiction have left a heavy mark on the national conscience,
body and soul AND mind.) 

(Tell me again? Why do I WANT to be born?)

Since Blogger is busy being buggy, here's the article:

"Billy Graham's Strong Stand"

(Quotes from Presidential Prayer Team's Jim Ray.
Ray is a writer, fundraiser and consultant 
in Nashville, TN.)