I may be the most miniscule, microscopically insignificant little glob of human stem cells you'll ever meet, but I have been around quite a lot longer than the usual 40 week pregnacy... say, maybe 51 years longer.
So, how is it that I have NEVER NEVER, EVER EVER seen this image of Emmet Till??
I NEVER KNEW HIS FACE WAS THE FACE THAT LAUNCHED THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT. Thanks to a Focus On The Family Broadcast last 24January, 2013, I know it now.
You learn something new every day.
If I think of it, I'll tell the BertNernie bandaid story next time. It has been a fornight, and I did promise... but Mr. Till's visage is such a matter of moral suasion, that I just have to stop everything and think for a long moment. If the injustice of his death launched a movement that changed the course of a nation, why is the well documented fact of dead and dismembered victims of abortion not bringing about the same?
I'm going to ponder this. When I am through, I'll talk bandaids on wood floors.