Mt. Wilson Watches All
((No, that is not my house.)) |
Zygote has been transported north to a very mountainous place not too far from her POC (place of conception), but far enough that her poor mind and heart have gone through some trying moments of disorientation and adjustment; and as unborn fetuses around the world can well attest, there was no protest I could stage to prevent this. Where the big belly goes, I must follow. Or, err, LEAD really.
I've given Emmet Till some thought in these first months of adjusting to our new home. I believe I know why his horrible fate was a Civil Rights gamechanger, while all the millions of mangled pre-born corpses bandied by the pro-life movement haven't amounted to a pile of produce (as in "hill of beans," you see).
In the mid twentieth century, when Mr. Till found himself at the wrong end of a practical joke, there was consensus. The world he lived in, racist though it was, coalesced around a Christian world view which saw Justice as inherited from centuries of Judeo-Christianity; and when Till's fate doused that culture with cold water in it's collective face, it was naturally wired to wake up and gladly right a wrong.
Today, Justice is just so many pithy quips on a network TV drama; so many rights earned by well funded special interest groups. Today, Justice is "mob ruled", not ruled by a rule of law. And the mob watches TV and Facebook Friend tallies. They adopt whatever the prevailing party line tells them to adopt. And aborted baby proofs? Well, they're just tolerated. That's what comes of dumping prayer and Bibles off the back docks of nearly every public school in the land.
Guiltiiest of all is the internet. This unprecedented explosion of knowledge has pretty much numbed the planet with TOOMUCHINFOrmation. WAY BACK when newspapers reported the fate of Mr. Till, hearts could burst with compassion and remorse because they hadn't already broken over sixty quadrillion other injustices worldwide.
Today, you can't begin to pick your cause with anything approaching earnestness, because there are just too overwhelmingly many to choose from!
And if Emmet Till were to arrive under banner headlines today, above the fold and as bloodied red as the USA Today presses could allow, I wonder if he would generate much more than a weekend stir on the Face The Nation circuit. Because what the mob wants is FEELgood tinglings from Pintrest, great clothes from GAP, and greater profits from tech firm IPO's. No one wants to bother with justice. The nation's manicures would be ruined, her pedicures sullied. So, who even WATCHES Face The Nation anymore, except the wives and mothers of its pundits and panelists?
And there stands honor-bound Keith Mason, sullied and weary, wishing for some sympathetic ad agency to spin him something positive about death and dismemberment.
So, I guess I am toast, me and my nerve rattled zygote compatriots. Doom doom and more doom.
Oh, Mary Travers, why did you desert us?