Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

On REcord

Keep waiting for some pundit to toy with one novel explanation for the surreal political realities of this utterly horrifying presidential campaign season,

but no one does,

so, I must have to:

It hit the first moment I heard Trump was running, and watched him use Liberty University to cloak his decision in spiritual legitimacy.  From the very first nano-second I saw him strut onto their auditorium stage, aglow in the loving (gullible) Christian arms that surrounded him, I couldn't shake the idea that

he and Hillary had to have cooked this up together.

WHAT IF they conspired, four years ago, or more, maybe; laughing and dining and toasting the air somewhere, brainstorming on schemes for her must-win-at-all-costs victory.  This twisted plan probably emerged as a joke at first, but soon the vanity of their cause and the vanity of the players began to sink in as a most likely and highly plausible scenario for success.

I can't be the only one to have wondered, pondered, suspected ... Disgusted.

It's all too in keeping with the creep factor that so aligns with both of them.

Watch. Give it 75 years, but I'll bet history will bear me out.

Monday, August 1, 2016


    Baby AmZyg witnessed the NONbrief 1 year foray into Sidewalk Counseling of she who is presently trying to type this.  BabyZyg observed, thru that peep hole belly button of said host, many tired and flimsy excuses from dads and boyfriends of the women whom they so (un)kindly led into the "clinic" while said typist here paced back and forth along the sidewalk out front.  That one year seemed interminable.

    None of those excuses come close to this one: AmZyg took five months to return here because Madame host of the wide gapped navel --gimpy typist, master of the delete key-- broke her arms twice this year.  Rehabbing for the second break begins this week...

    ...and while said physical therapy is ALWAYS excruciating and extremely time consuming
this excuse is merely that. 
An excuse. 

She really could've spared the time to post, but she just chose not to,
presuming her broken arms stood to bale her out; 
hence, you may officially call her lazy.
Laziness will always show up when one is
 and this has most definitely been a season of shock and shells.

Yes, SHELLS. Those little metal canisters leftover after making bullets whiz by. 
A most upsetting quantity of shells,
both literally (think terrorism; think racism) and
figuratively (think SHTrump. Think SHrillary). 

Yes, shell-shocked about says it all.

    And since this has ALSO been a season for Russian hacking, and my widget monitor tells me that the only visitors to this site appear to be Russkies, poor little AmZyg is feeling sadly more vulnerable than usual.

So, here. 

    Go bug this nice blog. They seem vastly more savvy than us two belly ache-ers. Yes. ANTHING by George Grant will be an uplifting foray into the intellectually stimulating world of Good Right Thought:

And remember. There's no excuse for bad behavior when you can better explain yourself by just


(...which one will find none of  in the male escorts slithering like worms through the entry doors of an abortion clinic.)

Kew worm. Eats its prey by dissolving it.
Apropos, no?