For two years now, BabyAmzyg's Editor-Voice has been silenced by depression.* During this time, she has been perplexed and confused by many things.
For the purposes of Amzyg's mission, the one perplexity pertaining to tHIS blog, to every child's right to life and hope, is this: how did our entire nation -- with or without my own children -- become silent in the face of such overwhelming evil?
This silence requires the invention of a new word.
This new word needs to conjure that sense of a people's need to maintain a national state of denial. An obstinate, incalcitrant blindness.
It should capture a national media's silent complicity in this denial. A criminally negligent refusal to report facts because they are inconvenient and don't comport with their preferred outlook.
It should conjure a people's preference to ascribe virtue based upon what is shallow, hollow, and superficial; and the sense of a decided preference for materialism over denying themselves (i.e., "...the Electoral College ballots about to be cast (in Congress today) are arriving in MAHOGANY BOXes, for heavens sakes, therefore their contents mUst be valid..." said reps Zoe Lofgren and some congressman from Maryland).
The problem with determining this new word is that the Scriptures (a holy authority no longer valued in this land) hint at two separate callings and two separate criteria for judgement at that great convocation at the end of time: individual people and individual nations are each called to different standards, and called to govern themselves by slightly varied sets of rules; so, should my new word describing moral blindness, folly and vaunted pride refer to a legislative body, or to the individuals who comprise that body? Or shall it be a blanket term for the entirety of the United States of America, which, for a brief two minutes of time somewhere between 1789 and 1799, surely must've been a city shining on The Hill for somebody, somewhere?
While I ponder this terrible horrible new state of affairs that is our time, do please take a minute to read my prayer fodder for the morning,
What is the definition of materialism?
16 hrs later, I have it. Simple: it's BLIND + IGNORANT + OBSTINATE = BLIGNOROUS.
Editors note:
After strolling, feeding, playing puzzles with and bathing a precious two year old grandchild, cleaning my kitchen, washing my floors, and finishing up a Congressional livestream from Washington DC (C-SPAN, you were a wicked fail), I must conclude that ...
...of all the citizens of these United States, I am most deserving to be called my new word, whatever it may turn out to be; because, after watching speaker after speaker give their five minutes in the House, many of whom were standing at a lectern directly positioned in front of Eric Swalwell, I was haunted by this persistent thought:
if I were in there, there'd be no way I could keep from sallying up to him and lobbing a Sandra Bullock inspired line from Blind Side,
Eric my friend, has your mother stormed into your kitchen yet, and cut off your penis?
Well, there you go. If I were in Congress, I'd fit right in with the "new order:" self righteous, angry and extremely lacking in decorum. PERFECTLY blignorous.
Lorena Bobbitt for Senate!
*depression over painfully disappointing choices one's adult children are making. oh. And Blogspots new convoluted log in/edit procedures.