Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Vacation Prep or Not

Who knew a zygote could lose this much sleep trying to organize a reunion.  Where I went wrong was way back in April at the invitation stage, choosing an eVite that was a little 'in your face.'  That would've put ME off, zygote or no zygote.  Twenty adult-stage people & their offspring (& semi-adult-stage alien/twenty somethings & their cell phones) say they are coming, in any case, so zygote will be far away from the web for awhile: she reserved cabins with no wiFi. This makes the aliens restless already.

But VacaPrep and today's planned departure took a back seat to a sick hubby whose face had ballooned overnight.  Calls and visits to dentists, endodontist and maxillofacial surgery practices --and one relative who's a doc-- culminated in a 3:15PM extraction surgery, and a DH feeling so very low.  Losing a tooth is so not zygotish.

This delay afforded me a small window to sneak into SuperCuts to curb the 50yearoldzygotish protein follicles.  "You're losing a lot of hair, i see... Getting enough sleep?" asked the stylist. Wow. She knows her stuff.

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