Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 in America

What should be an occasion of solemn observance and serious reflection is just another routine Saturday, and it hurts to think about why: while we merry wives of wisdom (cough) are supposed to look to men for leadership, the reality of our pace setting role takes some time to sink in [25 years isn't nearly long enough].  There's a proverb about wise women making wise plans, but overwhelm and under confidence have taken a certain toll.

DH is tending to his usual first Saturday of the month widow ministry.  D#1 tends to her love of theatre and left for her latest stage management gig a few minutes ago. They will attend an Angels game this afternoon, and God willing, think patriotic thoughts as they sing that National Anthem. D#2 sleeps in and will find the Panera danish a bit stale when she finally rouses. OS is likely waking up to smells of bacon in Bishop, compliments of his rather portly [read bacon loving] host whose invitation to a weekend get-away constitutes the second most patriotic observance of us all: inhaling bacon and innertubing down wild rivers only comes in second behind consumption of ball park foods in the annals of All American Culinarity... Lastly, I have an afternoon hair appointment, not because I need a haircut, but because our wedding anniversary's coming up, and that means DH will not wince when he sees my friend Martha's salon bill.  When there's any excuse to $pend, I like to patronize the TheGoodGuys, or, 'Gal' in this case.

As for Patriot Day observances, NPR seems bent over backwards to cater to Muslim sympathies.  Just once I'd like to hear Scott Simon or whutsIzName Seagull mention The Kite Runner, The Stoning of Soraya M. or the women of Ontario, Canada who begged officials to leave off plans to allow Sharia law there because their prized rights as women of the West would evaporate otherwise.  I lament the left leaning people I listen to everyday, yet, I still tune in, amazed at how Christian media falls so short of the NPR/PBS standard.

Why do Christians efforts in news collecting/reporting fail to deliver much excellence??  Maybe the massive monies required to produce fare sufficient to current expectations are all spent overseas on charity and missions. If there's any leftover, it probably goes to people so bent on being Nice T'ians that quality suffers in the interest of not ruffling anyone's feathers.  That's it. Maybe T'ians in media are just too nice.  The folks at my church should go work at the networks. They could whip 'em into shape.

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