Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Monday, July 18, 2011

For Lady Gaga

Larry Poland's Master Media prayer calendar owns a sweet spot inside my Bible. It get's misplaced from time to time, but mostly, for now, aiming prayer at the souls of celebrities is a daily obligation; an urgent idea, and I'm grateful to Jacque Granger, Poland and their small staff for calling Americans to their knees to beg God's mercy for the souls and situations of celebrities, and to repent of the mediatrash our nation exports overseas, where our movies 'sell' the (mostly correct) idea that our morally degenerate nation deserves to become a byword (II Kings 17:20).

Prayer for Lady Gaga went up July 13.  When a musician is listed, an old Lucille Ball prayer re-emerges: the day Ball died, I begged God to use her last iconic breath to preach freedom to the unborn... Didn't happen, obviously; but the idea stuck, and I persist in begging God that prominent figures 'out' their pro-life sensitivities without fear of censure.

July 13 was no different. What a wave of refreshment would pour out over silly teenagers world-wide if their champion of counter-cultural everything annoyed NARAL with an in-your-face pronouncement.

Got up off my knees and went straight to a shelf of scrapbooks and old photos.  Inside a filebox, I located the photo I was looking for, taken November, 1996, the day I found out that some cultural icons are more committed to the lie of "safe and legal abortion" than others.

Left: Peter Yarrow imparts blessings on my children.
I didn't know to intervene.
It was among a set of PeterPaul&Mary poses taken at a Debra Bowen fundraiser.  Not that we supported this democrat running for state office. No, Grampa did. He had concert tickets and an inside scoop on the follow-up reception with the famous trio.  When it came my turn to think of something pithy to say while being introduced to Mary Travers,  I prayed a small plea to think of something original. So, I asked her when she and 'the boys' were going to write the definitive pro-life song that would sway all the world to support laws protecting the unborn... "Never," she said. "We don't believe that way...." I said something about voters, and then she threw in, "Well, I hope your kids never learn to vote!" With a jerkflip of her fake blonde hair, she turned to greet the next group.

That, I thought, was not very 'original' of her.

I've decided to tuck that group shot (lower right photo) into my Master Media fold-out for safe keeping / interceding. Travers can dismiss me in '96, but eternity bids.

My "If I Had a Hammer" prayers since then mainly concern Noel Paul Stookey.  I've heard he's one of the good guys, unlike his two hippy songster compatriots. Who knows. He seemed somehow... greater, taller, bigger, nicer (bald & kneeling, top left photo).

LORD Jesus, have mercy on these merry three. Bring them to eye-opening repentance for magic dragon breath that cast a death trance over our generation.  In your HOLY name, I beg.  And lift up the crayoned eyes of Ms. Gaga? Give sight, truth, repentance. Light.


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