Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Gosnell, The Movie

Never in all my years of sitting in a movie theatre until the last of the credits have long since rolled past have I EVER SEEN what I saw tonight after watching Gosnell:

Nobody moved.

The screen went grey, the running lights came on, the movie was way beyond oVER,

but there was dead silence; and nobody moved.

The audience was stunned.

OK, so there were only twelve + of us in there, but still. It was surreal.

When the group of three sitting one row down finally began to talk, it was in hushed Farsi. But none of the other groups said a word. And everyone just sat in their seats, unable to process what we'd just witnessed.

Finally, a group way down in front got up and turned around to see who else was in there, but still, not a word was spoken.

Everyone was speechless.

And after those ten had finally filed down the side steps, rounded the corner and disappeared out of view, after even more time paused, the dear friend beside me, whom I had sort of dragged in there after a long day of lunch and chatting, remained stunned.

Silence still reigned.

Go see this phenomenon.  And if you know writer/blogger Mollie Ziegler Hemingway or reporter J.D. Mullane, give them my heartfelt regards. They are the real show stopper stars of this story.

Kudos to blogger/reporters everywhere, even if the one in the movie was just a composite:

You know that tense shaking that your body sustains when you're watching the perfect horror movie, a Braveheart treachery scene or Jaws? It's a combination of The Chills and a shot of adrenaline?

I got that 2/3rds of the way through. And it was just a freaking courtroom scene. How did they do that? oMy, but the art of editing and sound design can so powerfully affect the brain.

Good to know (thank you blogosphere) to boycott GoFundMe and THANK Indiegogo with all future fundraising needs.

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