Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day

 Baby AmZyg is napping again. I never wake a sleeping baby. So,

...to the annals of mama's medical history I go, out of respect for and in response to my sweet five year old grandchild whose life is now forever altered, possibly because of jabs. 

Dug this up. 

It was filed under "EMO HEALTH CHALLENGES."

The recipient of this seven year old private email is a founder of  The Daily Wire.  I was responding to his morning radio talk show. 

- - - - - - - - - 

To:    Morning Answer Broadcast/Podcast | AM870 The Answer | KRLA Host Ben Shapiro

RE:     Forewarned

8:47 am :: 23 August, ‘16


Mr. Shapiro,


You might listen again to today’s caller at around 8:47am, who made the point that a vaccinated student brought mumps to school. This happens not from the vaccine being “active” or “live.” It happens because children who have had their full panel of shots still get sick with the very illnesses they were vaccinated against, and there is no legislation forcing the CDC to appropriate this data. 

The good news is that the statistical incidence of complications or death from these illnesses was never very high, at 1% or so of all infected individuals. Children 70 years ago were routinely boosted with natural immunity from a panoply of childhood diseases which, after running their course, kept them healthier and stronger than your typical child of today.

Further, the well known good [now highly suspect] for which smallpox and rubella, etc., vaccines are credited is not at issue  [yes, it now very much is]. What is at issue: children are being immunized with such a barrage of shots starting mere minutes after birth that their bodies are asked to accommodate to an unprecedented number of challenges to their immune system. 

What once was an effectual  accepted, conventional medical practice has now become a medically harmful overreaction

An over-exhuberent scientific establishment heralding the theoretical good that vaccines once represented now require something like 60** shots before age five, and no parent, knowing her family history of adverse reactions, is allowed to personalize the demand schedule. 

She must offer up her child as an instrument of public health experimentation as if vaccines were some sort of scientific magic bullet. 

Vaccines are not a magic bullet.


[2023 addendum: A major health care insurer is reportedly paying doctors thousands of dollars for every 100 vaccinated children. A higher payout is said to be offered for a certain overall adult/child vaccination ratio per “medical practice." I use quotes because, if true, how is that "medical"? It's utterly mercenary.]


In 1995, through a “bad lot” of Connaught flu vaccine, I and many others, suffered multiple negative side effects. One gentleman on the east coast suffered Guillain Barré syndrome from this lot.  My symptoms were similar to his, but without paralysis. My complaints were over ten in number, but when I presented them to my administering doctor, he ridiculed me. He shut me up [They now call this gas lighting]. Five years of pursuing any type of relief left me with little confidence in the medical industry.


Whereas before this happened I was a staunch vaccine user; after this, I stopped seeing them as the be-all-end-all answer to every problem, as well you should. Do not fall for the warped argument that only vaccines can achieve authentic Herd Immunity. The human body, cared for as God intended, produces all the immunity necessary for any "herd" to remain safe; the difference being that God didn't create mankind to live in wild herds. His creative genius has better things in mind for human thriving.***


Don't wait until one of your children falls victim before you take this seriously. NVIC.


Talk to people whose children, like me, were forever altered after a vaccine (as was one of mine; a story for another day...).

(2023 addendum number two: now her preschooler. It is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day).


Mrs. [name withheld]

Monrovia, CA



Your wife’s medical credentials notwithstanding, everyone has an agenda. It is well known that the AMA methods of forcing groupthink are every bit as in-play in her medical world of “go along to get along” as it is in every public school, thanks to unions, federal dollars and California’s liberal political machine.


** I lost count at 58. Some say it's more like 65. 


I challenge you to assess their obscene regimen for yourself: 


If this no longer works, try:


[the covid vaccine is now added to this new list FOR PEOPLE NOT EVEN AT RISK, INCLUDING SIX MONTH OLDS.  I am begging God for a class action suit that places blame where it belongs: with Bill Gates, the FDA, CDC, WHO, the UN, the military, J&J, Pfizer et.al. ]


Included in the first vaccine schedule used to be a list of the multitudes of complications known to have been suffered by "sacrificial lambs" who apparently, in the interest of secular humanism’s Herd Immunity tenets, are relegated as "mere genetically flawed individuals whose lot in life is to suffer a lifetime of consequence" in the spirit of serving elites like you, Mr. Shapiro, who expect that lesser, vaccine damaged unfortunates will serve your family's hoped for "Greater Good."  

The CDC does not see fit to include this list anymore.

***2023 addendum number three: A New Safe Form of Immunization

Personal Symptoms, post Connaught Shot, Oct ‘95

Flu for weeks

Chronic fatigue (five years)

Menstrual hemorrhage 17 days; early menopause 4 years later



Heart irregularities (heart would - - stop, misfire, stop - -  most afternoons, lasting about an hour)


Purpura across torso and arms

Mouth sores after eating sugar

Plugged sinuses and ears


Brain Fog/stammer

Warts persistent on calf, knees, thumb. Never had warts before this.


At my behest, my husband took out an American General 12 year life insurance policy. While I’m thankful that he didn’t need to cash it in, it's an indicator of how miserable I was.  

Friends, DO NOT allow the government to subsume your biology.


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