Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Womb Free

AmZyg, a wee little pre-emergent being, can escape the womb to zip around the narrow lanes and byways of the local foothills, unnoticed and free.

[Oh, wait.  A layer of dust on the computer screen. (Even en utero, dust collects on my wee, womb version of a desktop.) In a minute, I'll have electrostatically removed it of dust . . .

 There. I've just done next week's entire livingroom/diningroom/hallway dust/sweep chore.  A.D.D. alert.]

 The morning was supposed to be dedicated to prayer and car insurance, but the two tangled in the battleground of my mind until noon or thensome.  I'd already read Payne's Spritual Warfare for an hour, so the MIND-battlefield was pretty cluttered. I sought relief in the mindlessness of yesterday in pictures.

Sorting a week's worth of Camera+ App captures can kill an entire day...

- Tuesday's cuddle-up with a thick layer of spring fog on the mountains above Sierra Madre
- Thurdsay's warm rain. I stopped to grab iPhone impressions some thirty times throughout the day of sun and rain and sun and rain again.


On December 1, 2011, trees aplenty fell high and hard

((8- O) "Wystaria Blossoms" long gone)

It is an odd world where a wee zygote can escape the womb for adventure in fog and rain and foothills.
She wonders oftener and oftener lately. . . why do you like it in there so much? There's a wide world out here waiting to be explored.

THURSDAY (I brake for clouds and shadows):

WHY CROP? Trucks can be poetical

TODAY, I rest assured that creation screams the glory of God; and I need to stop expecting that any day now we're going to get to move. Just put away the cleaning supplies and just start painting something. Blacks, deep umbers, dark magenta reds. Spill stuff everywhere. You'll feel better.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


If I am not yet a person, AmZyg rejoices that at least she doesn't have to pay taxes.

But God bless a titanic move afoot that may turn a selfish society into one where men once again put women and children first.

I'll pay a tax on that.

It may soon be safe to emerge from hiding?

Wild whistling winds whip through wool on Santa Cruz Island

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

QuoQuoteth: Regarding a Wall


From a Feb 2012  Browse:
Cowper speaks of inebriation. Actually, inebriation should never occur at all, but even a little dulling of the senses does no one any good when all faculties should be alert and engaged in the book at hand.
 - -  George Grant
Shelf Life: How Books Have Changed 
the Destinies and Desires of Men and Nations

November 2011: 
Roberta: “Who’s Darth Vadar?”

April 2, 2012:
C: Stop Judging, now. Jesus didn’t judge.
AmZyg: We need to do a Bible Study on Judging. The ‘don’t judge’ thing is so taken out of context.
J: Yeah-uh! Read the BOOK of Judges!

- - - - - - - - - - 

March Posts Were Short 

March came and went.
No relent; AmZyg was spent:

You grow up Baptist, you REPENT
Of wanting drinks like Creme d' Menthe.

You don't give in cause it's the trend.
You keep the fight up, lest you rend

The suspect chromosomal bend.