Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Upon This Cuomo Ay May Dread, Judgment Fall Upon Thy Head

(((it's 3AM... bedraggled words and tortured grievance are keeping sleep from me. I can almost hear my eldest child (!snob) groaning at my amateur versifying.  Well, maybe she's right to complain, but hers has been ten years buried in dusty boxes; or un-emerged from her abandoned blog. I scowl. --ed.)))

In a wedding one should say
The best of promises to stay,
That when the heat of life prevails
Help comes forth within that veil.

As with marriage,
Nations stray
From manly promises to stay;
The fiber once based on a cause
To die to self,
Does fray to rot.

That's what we've got.

None know now what went before
When sacrifice was no big chore,
And light from Bibles formed the core
Of schools and children, courts and more.

Enter fakers, chumps and rakes
Whose thin disguises promise traits
They don't possess and worse, hold office,
Damning public trust professed.

I say no more! Let's cast asunder
One blaggard's name: now means to plunder
Life unto its morning breath:
That name Cuomo,

Re-named, means death.

Let good depart his memory
For causing untold misery
To my compatriots unborn
Who fall beneath this Cuomo's sword.

In wrenting, wrending, wresting us
From whence we live to New York's trash,
He tears apart more than our parts,
He wreaks a havoc on'th heart of

Constancy. Propriety. Honesty. Nobility.

"Off with these, descend to Hell:
The nation, laws, and innocence!"
Faustian barbarians
Takes he with him, and all of us.

In tearing children limb from limb,
Entire cultures warp to grim
Places where there is no light,
And lifelessness a daily plight.

Yes, "Cuomoed" will, for me, mean now
Chucking treasure from the bow
Of a ship about to sink
Into a cesspool of his stink.

"those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder"

editor's note, December 2021:

The Cuomo's have now been Cuomo'd. 
Thanks be to God.
A Catholic priest, last June, reassured me of the connection between deadly Sars-Covid stats for the city of New York and its leadership. He asked, 'why do you think it's such a hell hole there? God is judging the city for their pro-abortion sins.' Ah. Well said, Monsignor Barry.

P.S. - I'm not Catholic

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Oh. Now I get it.

The strategy has been wildly successful: victory by saturation, victory by battle fatigue. Victory by overwhelm.

Since January of '73, the actual horror of legal abortion has increasingly come to light, and by sheer impulse, every upright human winces and looks the other way.

Our enemy is crafty. He knows us too well.  The more that abortion atrocities come to light, the more this weary nation just can't stand to know, and the more this people goes numb.

We are a nation in the mid - late stages of PTSD. 

Only an act of God will snap us out of it.

Clinic Worker Interview

Gosnell The Movie

It's already been said in tweets and repeats.

Everything Gosnell was imprisoned for

Has now been MADE LEGAL

by the Governor of NY.

Gosnell The Movie