Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Friday, January 19, 2018

ProLife Sanity Month

One can reason that shell shock stemming from rash political outcomes of the last year might be enough to keep one from blogging, or, doing anything mildly productive in life, so surreal is the climate and temperment of this nation.

But January is  must-come-up-for-air month in Zygote Land. This month above all others calls on AmZygs everywhere to redouble their will to clutch at any remnant of hope that sanity could return to a nation.

Sanity Training Wheels

Be Winsome Part 1

Be Winsome Part 2

May we all press into the fabric of time and say no to the mundane, trivial and stupid (everything you were planning to watch on tv tonight), and yes to the voices of wisdom, reason, scholarship and obedient stewardship heralded in the links above.

And may the shell shock of this age soon wear off. The stress of every news cycle really wears out the gestational gears around here.