Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Institute on Religion and Democracy

IRD's (Institute on Religion and Democracy's) 
Chelsen V. Processes
The demonic subculture and
All the harm 
they intend
To do

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Copies of Bella Everywhere

Baby AmZyg, being but a big blubbering baby, is naturally naive, being a Baby's Baby and all.

Naive about why it is taking so long to be jettisoned from her cramped little Roe-v-Wade prison cell; naive about why grown men who put on black robes and sit on high courts become suddenly blinded to the obvious; naive as to why people who kNOW I am real continue to go about their lives as if I am not...

Therefore it is with deepest heartfelt certainty that I recommend to every pro-life sympathizer who ever lived in these Fractured States of America, the following course of action:

Spend an hour at Life Training Institute and become assured at how easy it is to compel your homies/husbands/housemates to care about unseen people like me...

Spend two hours watching Bella or October Baby and become convinced that unseen people like me are just the beginning of a million profound eternal stories...

Then (oh, this part is so easy. I've done it (never) a hundred times myself and am naive enough to believe that you will too):

Spend three hours
visiting your senators and congressmen/women 
gifting them with DVD copies of the above,
convincing them
to ALSO watch Bella, all the while using your wicked new Life Training Institute skilz 
to blow their minds with how blind and stupid they
have (most likely) been these past FORTY FIVE years...



(BabyAMZYG just gurgled stinging hot tears of consternation. Look*)

These newly reprised senators and congressmen will now be only too eager to press their colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee to soundly confirm any and every conservative judge to the Supreme Court of these highly un-united little states of (little-A) america.

And finally, spend four hours on your knees repenting for these lost ones, for our lost generation, for our own petty sins** and for whatever else the Living and Eternal God lays upon our conscience.

Being naive has it's advantages, believing that anything can happen if one prays hard enough. And it usually does.

* number of abortions performed since 1970  is now 45,838,000. 

If you're wondering what those tiny screaming baby sounds are, it's me, begging YWH (God in Hebrew) to PLEASE MAKE RoeWade STOP... and remembering **Deuteronomy 28, where it is not naive to hope for an end to every confounding national curse...

(Thank you, Eduaro Verástegui. Just THANK you.)