Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Sunday, December 5, 2021

If it were me up there...


If it were up to armchair quarterbacks, our teams would never lose and our sportscasters would make calls we always agree with.

I armchair-quarterbacked during the oral Arguments delivered to the Supreme Court on December 1st. Mostly I wanted Scott Stewart, Mississippi's Solicitor General, to take the gloves off with "Justice" Sonia Sotomayor. 

She vaunted her oh-so-secular credentials when she claimed Stewart's argument had merit only with "religious" people.

I would've launched into a reply listing all the ways culture holds together by those moral, "religious people."  "... Do you want a free-for-all every time the traffic light turns red, or, do you want a people who respect the rule of law and who set aside their personal agendas for the needs of all the other drivers at an intersection? That phenomenon is indirectly, a RELIGIOUS one. 

"... Do you want men who have every porn star available within two clicks of their smart phone lock-screens to succumb to emotional affairs with this dark world of fantasy females, or, do you want men to teach their children to keep sex within marriage, and who choose to do the same?...  Do you want women who make more money than their spouses to kick their husbands to the curb, toss out the income loser and find a better mate, as my friend Niki did to her unemployed hubs back in '99?  Rather, Ms. hoity-toity irreligious Justice Supreme, don't we want professional women to remain patient, faithful for better or for worse, in the interest of cultivating a culture of family cohesion and monogamy??  Um, Yea-auh. 

These phenomena are moral, RELIGIOUS ones. They used to be the bedrock of this nation. Now we have a godless Sotomayor culture: one that's all about serving self and shooting selfies.  Staying perpetually adolescent, and patting yourself on the back when you do something remotely "adult."*

A "religious" culture?  The opposite.

These "Supremes" sitting on our highest court think their learning and position make them virtuous, but instead they are blind. It's as if they're rooting for the Nordstrom smash and grab looters.

Truth:  the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or, barring that, the sheer common Grace of God in an unsaved community, turns ordinary sinners into national heroes one moral, "religious," self effacing, sacrificial decision at a time.  Only by living lives of self sacrifice do individual people cause a nation to stand, by the process of teaching disciplines of delayed gratification to their kids (who, we pray, will grow up and do the same with their kids...) and then authentically choosing to practice it themselves.

This isn't happening. 

And so,

our nation is on its knees, unable to get up on its own.

May the Sotomayors of this nation fade, and may a moral and "religious" people with authentic virtue bring us to standing once again. 

And may Roe/Wade/Doe/Bolton/Casey die the deaths they deserve: May their crumbing to dust somehow vindicate the MILLIONS OF CHILDREN ripped from their mothers' wombs since the early '70's; and may a Spirit of repentance fall on all of us for looking the other way.  Especially the deeply complicit medical and science communities. God $%^& them all.

- - - - - - - - 

* and, per the Vaccine Mandate oral arguments, mere days following this post, a culture of "just-make-up-anything-that-sounds-good" pontificating about COVID statistics; because, as I just stated, you all think you're gods up there, and GOD forbid that anyone should ever question a Supreme!


All New Low? *


I may have sunk to an all new low in recommending this show. When I touted it as my new favourite recently, I had only watched edited versions on Instagram.  

Now that I've enjoyed the laughter from the front row seat that is BlazeTV, I'm disappointed by their potty mouth immersion into all that is juvenile. 

But it's still pretty funny. 

And Crowder is brilliant. He's got original wit and instant recall you have to respect, and he's using it in a relevant way that must make his Creator proud. Imagine crossing Matt Gaetz with Steve Martin.  Steven Crowder is what you'd get. Someday, we'll watch all our favourite humorists stand before God and take a beating for numbing entire generations with meaningless twaddle that accomplished nothing; spurred audiences toward more nothing.

Best of all, his December 2, 2021 show notes are crammed with good stuff.

I learned from them that Roe Wade is no longer the 'law of the land,' but rather the case from 1993, Casey. I couldn't stop reading until I'd finished the whole thing. 

After the abysmal performance by the Mississippi Solicitor during Dobbs last week, this is refreshing:

Louder With Crowder

*the REAL new low will be this fall, when the court overturns Roe / Casey and California, where I live, votes to maintain the child-killing up to and after childbirth. I will run for the hills of Nevada, because the San Andreas Fault can't be long quiet after that. The state has already normalized selling aborted fetal tissue to UC researchers for grafting onto mice. Hell itself can't be that cruel.

Friday, January 29, 2021

National Sanctity of Human Life Month, Number 48


Just Imagine, Dear Little Baby Zygote. 

While you've remained tucked in tight, waiting for the day when the world is safe again, the rest of us have been going about our selfish, distracted lives. Shopping, eating, watching stupid movies, planning and decorating, caulking and painting, packing and moving around the planet anywhere we please; all this while untold millions of your tiny brethren have been brutally dispatched to the waste can.

The Roe v Wade/Doe v Bolton mischief was pulled over our eyes like an ugly woolen cap in January 1973.

I really never imagined you'd still be in there, Little AmZyg, forty eight years on.

It has been ten years since I first posted your inaugural peek at the world. I was optimistic back then, that things were changing for the better. Was sure you'd get to spring out of your confinement at any moment! 

O h   h o w   w r o n g   I  w a s  . 

It has gotten so much worse than I ever imagined it could be. Close your eyes. You don't want to see this.

When the most vulnerable are "disposable," soon thereafter, everyone is a target:  

Fetal Feet, Harvested Heart, Sacrificial Skin

Donate HERE to Restore National Sanity

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

For two years now, BabyAmzyg's Editor-Voice has been silenced by depression.*  During this time, she has been perplexed and confused by many things.

For the purposes of Amzyg's mission, the one perplexity pertaining to tHIS blog, to every child's right to life and hope, is this: how did our entire nation -- with or without my own children -- become silent in the face of such overwhelming evil?

This silence requires the invention of a new word. 

This new word needs to conjure that sense of a people's need to maintain a national state of denial. An obstinate, incalcitrant blindness.

It should capture a national media's silent complicity in this denial. A criminally negligent refusal to report facts because they are inconvenient and don't comport with their preferred outlook.

It should conjure a people's preference to ascribe virtue based upon what is shallow, hollow, and superficial; and the sense of a decided preference for materialism over denying themselves (i.e., "...the Electoral College ballots about to be cast (in Congress today) are arriving in MAHOGANY BOXes, for heavens sakes, therefore their contents mUst be valid..."  said reps Zoe Lofgren and some congressman from Maryland).

The problem with determining this new word is that the Scriptures (a holy authority no longer valued in this land) hint at two separate callings and two separate criteria for judgement at that great convocation at the end of time: individual people and individual nations are each called to different standards, and called to govern themselves by slightly varied sets of rules; so, should my new word describing moral blindness, folly and vaunted pride refer to a legislative body, or to the individuals who comprise that body? Or shall it be a blanket term for the entirety of the United States of America, which, for a brief two minutes of time somewhere between 1789 and 1799, surely must've been a city shining on The Hill for somebody, somewhere?

While I ponder this terrible horrible new state of affairs that is our time, do please take a minute to read my prayer fodder for the morning,

What is the definition of materialism?

16 hrs later, I have it. Simple: it's BLIND + IGNORANT + OBSTINATE = BLIGNOROUS. 

Editors note:

After strolling, feeding, playing puzzles with and bathing a precious two year old grandchild, cleaning my kitchen, washing my floors, and finishing up a Congressional livestream from Washington DC (C-SPAN, you were a wicked fail), I must conclude that ...

...of all the citizens of these United States, I am most deserving to be called my new word, whatever it may turn out to be; because, after watching speaker after speaker give their five minutes in the House, many of whom were standing at a lectern directly positioned in front of Eric Swalwell, I was haunted by this persistent thought:

if I were in there, there'd be no way I could keep from sallying up to him and lobbing a Sandra Bullock inspired line from Blind Side,

Eric my friend, has your mother stormed into your kitchen yet, and cut off your penis?

Well, there you go. If I were in Congress, I'd fit right in with the "new order:" self righteous, angry and extremely lacking in decorum.  PERFECTLY blignorous.

Lorena Bobbitt for Senate!

*depression over painfully disappointing choices one's adult children are making. oh. And Blogspots new convoluted log in/edit procedures.