Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Well. This brought Me To Tears.

click on link: ACLJ Appeal

There is no other possible way to respond to this except to cry. Just cry.

...This is on the heels of successfully convincing the Administration late last year to cancel a similar contract the FDA had with an abortion related business that had been referred for criminal investigation for participating in the illegal sale of aborted babies’ body parts.
As we’ve warned before, these contracts create a market for aborted babies’ body parts – which is especially disgusting given the recent surge in extreme late-term abortion legislation, like we saw become law in New York earlier this year.
According to reports regarding a contract NIH had with UC San Francisco:
The contract—using federal tax dollars—creates a demand for organs taken from late-term aborted babies and its fulfillment is dependent on the continued legality of late-term abortions.
We already exposed Planned Parenthood for selling babies body parts on the black market for profit. No wonder they want to change the laws to enable even more abortions in our country. It’s simple but ghastly supply and demand.
Unborn babies are not a commodity for profit. They are innocent human lives, and research like this put them at additional risk, encouraging more abortions. We applaud this action by HHS, for not only ending this unconscionable contract, but for deciding to carefully examine any other contracts for similar research...                                              "

Would that our 
$60 monthly contribution 
to the ACLJ could become $600. 
Until that someday, 
one can only weep 
for the chaotic blindness of 