Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Whose CHOICE at the Ballot Box

In the run-up to  June primaries, my heart aches to imagine any voter who might have disconnected the ballot from the unborn child,
or/and who might take a slate mailer into the voting booth.

Never do I cast a vote for candidates who are

"Endorsed by Planned Parenthood Affiliates of... [insert your locale]"

Never do I cast a vote for someone whose campaign website declares support for

"a woman's right to 'choose,' "

 or that declares an undying dedication to "women's health" w/o specifying what "health" means. Tearing an unborn child from the womb is most definitely NOT --though feminists disagree-- a healthy choice.

NEVER NEVER never do I trust a slate mailer. They go straight from the mailbox to the recycle bin.

AND... ALWAYS ALWAYS do I support

 candidates who clearly state
 that Roe -vs- Wade and Doe -vs- Bolton 
were unmitigated disasters for the last two generations. 

"Down with the death-culture!"
they should boldly add.

(... and to female "Pastor S." who graduated from Fuller Seminary not long ago, moved next door, and declared that women don't care about abortion anymore, may I implore you to post-haste check yourself into Rehab
and begin therapy to excise yourself 
out of the giant denial bubble in which you currently live?)

Spoken Word Aptly Spoken
... Dedicated to women everywhere, but especially those at Fuller seminary