Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Denial Bubble?

Things are starting to finally make sense.  After posting on May '18, a growing awareness has taken hold.  Though I am but a Zygote, I  manage to have a Big Thought every now and then...

If I telescope outward from S. who lived next door, to carloads of women protesters, women networkers, women at the grocery store, women voting their fellow feminists into office, and women certain they were raped by Supreme Court nominees while in high school, (and as well, all the self absorbed men who helped to them get abortions, or, more to my point, forced them to), I now see that they have one thing in common*:

In order to function at any level of sanity or semi-sanity after justifying an abortion, it would be stupid to come out in opposition to the legality of it.

It is only possible to stay sane when trying to suppress a buoyant, always surfacing bubble of denial, by insisting that the bubble is not there, or if it is, it shouldn't matter because the action was a "constitutionally protected" one...

... and to do everything in one's power to make sure no one else's abortion denial emerges either, so that everyone can enjoy a soothing, collective sigh of relief that no one's psyche is harmed whilst going about the meddlesome business of just day to day living; and so we invent things.

We manufacture an alternate reality, and even hire lawyers who can cash in on our mire and codify our fiction.

O why o'why have I not been continually praying that the soothing balm of Jesus would penetrate this madness, and let every woman know how it's all going to be OK when life is honored again.

I must go now and re-start that prayer group that, once upon a time, was a glimmer of hope for me.

*Well. I would be remiss not to mention the "...one thousand female physicians" whom Senator Feinstein invokes, and who may as well be metaphors for all the hitmen (abortionists) and their victims who justify and profit from an out of control sex industry, sex culture and the ten million bulging, wagging stretchpant squeezed buttocks that saunter down sidewalks and thru mallshops every minute of the day, usually donning their attendant midriff baring yoga bras... weak and aimless lemmings disguised as playboy bunny rabbits, owned by a blind devotion to Cosmo and a desperate need to belong.