Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My My...

This baby human sleeps alot. NOT. Staying up 'till 3:30am to post a previous day's musings, only to get up at 7:30am to take a car to the mechanic or 8:30am to water the herb garden out back and still be on time for a first photoshop lesson is no way to run a life.  Since I am nodding off, I will be off to bed, remembering as I go, the dinner guests around our patio table tonite...

Why does having people over have to divide my attentions so?  Why can't each guest receive their due attention and the details of the meal attended to easily, all at the same time? Those embarrassing lapses where you realize you are not listening to the person you're talking to, but are miles away, planning to pack up leftovers or wondering if you should serve dessert now or later... It's a shame women don't all attend finishing schools wherein they would learn all the details and social aspects of good, biblical hospitality. (Bigger shame that a Robotic "Alice" from the Brady Bunch doesn't come boxed and giftwrapped with everyone's marriage certificate)

I go to bed now,  praying safety for the nephew who rode his bike home 6 miles. In the dark.
And for the friend who teaches PhotoShop. And for a son who still sees baptism as a commitment he can't make just yet.

(Please bring your glory down, LORD, into all our doings and be-ings. Speak to their hearts of your excellence and call them to know your purpose for their giftings and their need of a daily surrender to the lordship of your Son, Jesus.
And Thank you for shared meals, back yards, and this beautiful, cool breezy weather.   Amen.)

The zygote is learning: sleep comes to the wise, and a fool will stay up all night pursuing trivial matters.

Oh, hey. I did not resort to coffee today. Praise God.

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