Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Answering PBS

Scandalized to see porn titles on the lists of Netflix video offerings, Amazon Online and Apple iTunes movies,

me (BabyAmZyg) and my mom (ye olde typist, editor and content scrubber) are reduced to watching old low def YouTube copies of our beloved 90's PBS series,

The Victory Garden,

" izzat low-def enough? "

and it still rings fresh and enticing, just like it did when we were young and younger, despite the fuzzy images, blow-dried hair do's and balloon pleated khaki pants.

Today, as we were watching during soup and crackers, we recalled the many, MANY times we were tempted to donate to a PBS pledge drive, but couldn't after explaining by letter and phone call that, if they would only air Silent Scream and a few Planned Parenthood exposés, we could open wide our wallet and pledge with abandon.

Somehow, they opted to never respond to my letters, and never make any promises during those pledge drive phone-in conversations, though they acted polite and sometimes semi-understanding.

to make the world a more just and open minded place than our ridiculous 
Public Broadcasting System 
has ever tried to be, here, my dear Zygote sympathizers, is the shot heard 'round the world, but when you're done, you're not going to want to watch  The Victory Garden 
 for a good week or more (Baby AmZyg closing eyes now):

VHS/DVDs Available 
American Portrait Films 
Call 1-800-736-4567 

The Silent Scream Complete Version - Abortion as Infanticide

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