Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Grave Marker

Since 1978, it has been my first prayer goal to see Planned Parenthood buried in scandal, defunded and left to die with barely an audible cough or whimper.  Thanks to a few color photos in a pamphlet handed out by strangers at that summer's Stanislaus County Fair, I'd found an obvious injustice to which I could apply my newfound passion to pray with abandon in Christ's name... 

I thought La Verne Powlis would drive the first nail into their rickety coffin when she began to expose their eugenic origins while talking to a random few churches in Southern California back in 1992.

I was certain, when they were found selling aborted organs and tissue, that their death knell was imminent and all the rest of the nails ordered by overnight express. 

oh, how I underestimated the control wielded by our death culture:

- those powerful few trapped in denial, who have a white knuckle grip on media perceptions and their Chinese investments, so vested are they in keeping their past protected; 

- and everyone who has bought the lie that "some" people are worth more than others, and that killing people for convenience sake is a paramount human right.

Enter RadianceFoundation.org 

Talk about kick butt. When a sole saint takes his gifts and calling so seriously that he could care less how ominous the opposition seems, I am inspired to dream again. You go Ryan.

Click above to hear about Maafa21.com and to hear Hattie Nuff sing "We've been Guttmachered!"


Is it time to order the coffin?  Nails shouldn't even be necessary. 
And let PP order their own pine box.
 They've taken billions of our tax dollars,
so, let Cecile Richards foot the bill out of her own 900K salary.

(I guess my prayer life stinks.  PP is still in business; the culture has never been uglier; Christians yawn when I bring up questions re Roe -v- Wade.  
They've capitulated. I am undone. 
ell, at least Cecile R. has retired. But her replacement? Ouch.)

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