Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Three Month Old Zygote Pick Up Line

[from Wed last ...Hotel Web connection was scant.]

Election season stole my 3 month Developmental Milestone, overdue now by two weeks. But instead of tracing in words the mysterious knitting together of the 12 week old Psalm 46 life-appointment, I am caffeinated and dumbfounded tonite by what I think I saw on the tour bus tonight.

Heading over to the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum in six+busses for some aeronautic history, DJ spinning, flight simulators, Imax movie and piles of drink and food, hundreds of techie conferies traveled with buddies and workmates.  Heading back to the hotel, I wondered at the different pairings evidenced in the seats ahead, behind & across the way: twenty something couples who'd just met, some drunk, most masking a slight ill at ease. That self conscious pulling-on-the-hair; tense hands on the seat or lap; a silliness to the conversation that the men want nothing to do with, but women just default to; an overly animated male couple holding intimate eye contact;  I was trying to size all this up when I recalled the little gal on the wait staff who blanched when I asked her how long she had to stay for clean up tonite.  She looked askance, cut across the aisle and hurried off.  What did I say?? I was just empathizing!  Sitting on the bus, it hit me. I've never seen Sex In the City, but did she think I was hitting on her? Do these kids think they're supposed to go home with a sex partner just 'cause they're drunk & dolled up for a party? Does a TV show really have so much power that a busload of singles (or not?) feel a compunction to hook up for the night just because Ferris Buhler's wife says it's OK?

The whole conference began to feel surreal.  Maybe these professionals aren't looking to improve work productivity. Maybe they really believe that emulating TV characters will get them a TV show ending. I asked DH, and he thinks it's all in my head. Always paranoid, I am. Well, let's hope so.

I am impressed with him for not giving me the option of sitting out this little junket.  God Bless my man for honoring his vows to a 25 year new marriage; and God help the thousand men who are here without their wives    ...OR MOTHERS!

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