Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Zygote Christ Mass

You're well over the half way mark, little Zygote. You're learning not to be afraid when in the company of critics, and you've proved you can defend your differences to the "party bosses" with out being too contrary and upset (we do have to work on that one, tho), esp when the topic is the ornery obscene - ness that is Christmas. That's progress.

You're little five month body is fully in order, a complete package: beating heart, brain waves that began long ago, limbs that dance and pray... On your way.

I wonder how the gene for argumentativeness develops?

Yesterday's brunch featured some flash of brash: I wanted to persuade A. that boys need to take time off from college to learn where their strengths and callings come from. It was a good Christmas Eve conversation, where I used my dear OS as my convincer. (<--- I was type-dreaming as Pandora sings gentle Christmas verses! nodding off and typing nonsense.)  After punching stocking stuffers into four felt Christmas stockings held together by 20 year old glue and a tad of stitching, I feel sick at how purposeless these trinkets are... necklaces, Stand True patches, bumper stickers, ornaments, gas cards, a watch, gum, socks, lint rollers, free employer trinkets... It's gotten more obscene each year, with overflow junk --more than ever!-- placed above each stocking, on the mantle.  I should start... ay soon (<--nodds off again... !)

a'Right. I'm tired. I'm GOing, and as I do, I'll hope my future gift choices will brim with intentionality, and serve some greater purpose than garnering admirers who think my taste is hip.

OMg. I am so sleepy i can't even read this to proof it.  Two brunches. Two parties. Errands. Collections. Donations. Housecleaning. More housecleaning. Rain Rain Rain and more beautiful rain. All accumulated to one end: impress others with gifts. And Jesus gets the Visa bill.

God Bless our family, our street, this city, our state and nation, and may the Church of Our LORD recover from Christmas extremes, pointless family get togethers and way too much gluttony.

Amen. Go baby Zyg.o, GO.

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