Who's Who:

DH (dear hubby); #1D (eldest daughter); #2D (middle child); OS (Only Son - sO sad that DH would not adopt him a brother)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Amy Goldman Hates Me

Zygotes can hear everything people say, even when those people think no one is listening.  They forget that the bellybutton makes a handy ear trumpet. So, I'm privy to all this talk between people in Celebrate Recovery, touting the blessings of brokenness and the trials of transparency. I've learned enough to know that, when rich and powerful gardening women like Amy Goldman pour their millions over Planned Parenthood and then go on record saying they hate me, I'm OK with that. I can honestly say,

I forgive you.  You'll come around some other time.

But meanwhile, I hope she won't take offense that the gardeners around here have never heard of her. And they really DO do gardens around here.

Humble gardening.

They pour their "millions" over non-profits she's probably never heard of. But Planned Parenthood? OH my. Margaret Sanger really could've used her own CR sponsor.

Ms. Sager called me a weed once.  I'm afraid I like her far less than that Billy Graham chap.

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